Um Blog de percepções, de afetos e algumas bobagens cotidianas.

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

ano novo, cabelo novo

inspirada pelo ano que vem, pelas sincronias que fecham 2009 numa ótima e pelo flavinho que sempre quer fazer a minha cabeça, resolvi mudar um pouco o visu pra receber o hohoho e estourar as freixenets no uruguai no maior style.

como ontem na festa da casa de cinema o cabelo pareceu causar certo impacto (e isso apesar da bebunzisse a gente pode medir pela quantidade de comentários), decidi dividir aqui no blog o resultado, no maior estilo pronto cortei.

tenho percebido uma tendência romântica nos cabelos por aí, com trancinhas e tal. mas eu sempre curti esse estilo mais argentino com um formato mais repicado e mantendo o comprimento. foi o que fizemos. repicado total atrás, no topo da cabeça e para finalizar uma descolorida nas pontas. mantive a franja porque quero me livrar dela, então vamos deixar que cresca.

ontem com a finalização da chapinha ficou muito mais tri. agora ele tá dando uma onduladinha e eu to louca pra ver como vai ser depois do banho sem secador. :)

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

a história do hipopótamo alérgico à magia e outras loucurinhas fofas


It was in the morning, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger woke up,
and they saw that the baby monkeys were gone!
And then the baby monkeys were lost! in the trees.


They saw bats, and they saw crocodiles, hippos and giraffes.
They had taken a very long trip, they did not even take the train.

They saw a crocodile, they saw frogs, and boxes with animals
who are poor, who couldn´t find their way.
People who wanted to put in jail the animals who are poor,
who didn´t have anything to eat, because they could´t pay.

They were in some frightening trees with popotamus, hippos,
crocodiles, monsters and ghosts!
Tigger jumped in the trees, very high and he saw the monkeys,
Then he grabed with his hand and he went back down with the monkeys.

And then Tigger and Winnie the Pooh were going into the woods to
find some strawberries, but the witch did not agree at all!
Because these were HER own strawberries!

So they fought, fought, and the lion won! And he was the king.
He had a helmet, a sword... and how do you say
when you protect yourself?

- A shield?

A shield!!! And magic powers! And then, they saw many things,
very pretty things: there were flowers,
the sun, the clouds, MANY things!

But there was something going amiss, because there was a crocodile,
who was sleeping in the grass, and when you stepped on it,
it would wake up and it would eat the babies!

So, something goes amiss again, because the hippo was not in the water,
because he prefers to kill himself.
So the lion kills the hippo, and they go to heaven,
but the hippo did not know.
He did not want to go to heaven, so he decided not to go
to heaven, but the lion said,

"it is too late now! You decided to be dead in heaven!"

Then, it was well deserved for the lion, becuase he had no more powers.
But then the power went to the popotamus.
But the hippo was allergic to magic.

The hippo and the lion, and the tiger they got "chicken-box".
Then, the "chicken box" went to another animal who was
very bad, tremendously very bad and it was a mammoth! The Mammoth
had claws, and powers so that the people are dead in heaven !
Even the animals!

But then there was a lady, who had a ring, like yours but
it was different, becuase it was orange.
Then the orange ring, would go and kill all the witches! This way...

People are peaceful and they can do whatever they want,
and the kids as well!

Now it is over!

quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009


Vou fazer uma coisa que caracteriza a mais nojenta e repugnante preguiça. Coisa de quem trabalhou o dia inteiro e já não aguenta mais fazer sinapses (lembra da aula de biologia?). Vou copiar o texto que eu escrevi no blog da Maria. Ipsis Literis.

O que eu quero dizer realmente é: TE INSCREVE NO MEU CURSO NA ESPM. E aqui eu explico:

Em janeiro vai rolar mais uma vez meu curso na ESPM.

E adianto: essa edição vai ser imperdível!


E vai ser imperdível porque esse ano contarei com a participação de dois amigos muito especiais:

Felipe Anghinoni (Perestroika) e do Guilherme Dable (Atelier Subterrânea)

O curso vai ser lotado de referências de intervenções urbanas de natureza artística e publicitária, oferecendo um espaço muito especial para criação, discussão e compreensão das produções criativas que usam o suporte urbano. No final do curso os participantes devem apresentar um projeto que será avaliado e, quiçá, aplicado.

Quando: dias 11,12, 13, 14 de janeiro, das 19h às 21h40
Onde: na ESPM